We all have days when our hair doesn’t feel at its best, feels dry & damaged and when styling it you can see the effects of the damage so much more.
With dyed hair in general there is more to contend with then natural wear and tear. Dying your hair does unfortunately damage your hair and then throw in with the mix of weather conditions throughout the season which will also affect the hair in different ways, we need to make sure we really concentrate on keeping it look salon fresh.
Keeping your hair in good condition helps with keeping the cuticles tighter, this in turn reflects light off the cuticle and voila! shiny hair.
Its not necessarily a case of conditioning your hair constantly, but it’s also about how you handle your hair. You need to take extra care when your hair is wet as this is the time when it is extra fragile and most likely to break.
Brittle hair can be improved by avoiding the use of shampoos that contain alkaline or alcohol. So look through the ingredients of your shampoo before you buy it. Do a little research about what goes into the products you use. Educate yourself. Try and avoid products that contain sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate, or SLS, propylene glycol, mineral oil or dimethicone.
Try not to over wash your hair as you need to keep the essential oils that you naturally produce on your hair in order to keep it looking healthy and full of life. Regular hair cuts every 6 to 8 weeks will help dramatically as this also helps keep your ends from splitting so much and encourage your hair grow longer.
So, if you are suffering with dull of lifeless because of the colouring treatments you’ve had, then make sure you speak to a stylist here at ‘A Salon Called Fish’ and they can run you through how the permanent Joici Vero K-Pak Colur Age Defy Clear Gloss could work for you and highlight the benefits that you will see.
To book your appointment either book online or call 01752 691696.