A Salon Called Fish t: 01752 691696

Weather getting you in a frizz?

20th January 2015 | Hair

Kebelo delivers 100 days of amazing hair…

What’s with all this wet, cold & miserable weather at the moment? Is it playing havoc with your hair? When we say havoc, we know from our clients that this can a particularly bad time for those of you that suffer from WRFH (Weather Related Frizzy Hair), so we’re hoping this blog may transform your life!!?

Is frizzy hair something that has caused you endless stress & bad hair days, and not to mention the money spent every week on hair products?

So we also know that you have probably been through what most of our clients tell us they have to do to tame the frizz….. It starts using a very expensive frizz free shampoo, then conditioner, then serum, then followed by a lengthy blow dry and finally a huge effort with the straighteners just enough to calm it down temporarily, OH and of course how could we forget….the massive amount of time to do all this.

But the worst thing of all was that this doesn’t guarantee you hair staying smooth and that just the sign of wet, cold miserable weather humid or damp weather would destroy all the hard work almost instantaneously!

So what is the solution? Well it’s called the ‘Kebelo System’, The Kebelo system contains none of the harsh chemicals of any of its predecessors and also can be washed off after only an hour of application.

The whole process from arriving to leaving A Salon Called Fish takes a bit longer than that of a ‘normal visit.

The hair is first washed with the Kebelo Cleansing shampoo to prep for the treatment.  The Kebelo Advantage is then applied section by section until covering all the hair.  The hair is then blow dried straight with a paddle brush until dry.

After the above process each section of hair has to be straightened 15 times to seal in the product and something that is a key part of the process as it causes the reaction of the product with the hair which in turn gives the hair it’s smooth effect.

Now here comes the really great part…..

You are able to wash you hair as soon as you wish after the ‘Kebelo System’ has been completed. All you need to make sure you have is the aftercare pack which consists of shampoo, conditioner and hair mask, as these are the only products allowed to be used after the treatment, this is because they do not contain sulphates which could potentially ruin the effects of the treatment.

Our client tell us the the results are incredible… their hair feels smooth and frizz free, but also guess what? They our clients who have had this treatment also say that even the wet. cold & miserable weather is not enough to run their hair…or their day!!

So, no more time consuming styling or hiding from the weather, it’s time to discuss the Kebelo system with a stylist at A Salon Called Fish.